Hello, I'm Brian! 👋
Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Godot Engine hobbyist from San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from San Francisco State University in Spring 2020. I aim to create top quality applications with a keen eye for UX and usability. Experienced in C#/.NET, Next.JS (React) + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS, Godot Engine, and Unity Engine.
Featured Projects
These are some of the past projects I worked on that I choose to showcase.
AsukaNet Discord bot
Discord bot written in C# using the Discord.Net library and dependency injection with .NET 6, Entity Framework Core with MySQL database, and Docker for build and deployment. Various utility and fun commands are available for users to manage roles, fetch Urban Dictionary definitions, play music, and more.
RPG Core Combat Sandbox
Top-down click to move and attack combat system for a 3D RPG game created in Unity C#. Utilizes the Universal Render Pipeline to create custom shaders for water, animation controller for 3D character animations, particle system for spell VFX, and terrain tools to sculpt terrain.
I enjoy learning and using new tools and technologies every day. Below is a collection of what I am most familiar with when building projects.
Programming Languages
* I am not affiliated with the logos featured, all logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Want to get in touch?
If you have any business inquiries, shoot me an email! I am open to all software engineer opportunities. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, download my resume, and explore all of my projects on GitHub.
Email: contact@brianlai.dev
Resume: https://blai30.github.io/resume/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blai/
GitHub: https://github.com/blai30/